Tuesday, May 28, 2013

WHS regulator must remove offender's details where no conviction recorded


A recent decision in the Queensland Supreme Court found that it was unlawful for the health and safety regulator to publish a party's details if the court decides not to record a conviction.

Until this case, Workplace Health and Safety Queensland published details on its website of individuals and corporations who were convicted, irrespective of whether a conviction was recorded in court.

Parties whose details appear on the Queensland health and safety regulator's website can now require them to remove their details where no conviction was recorded. This avoids the party being identified in relation to the conviction via search engines like Google.

Source: Supreme Court of Queensland Library

For information on Vocam health and safety training products, contact us or visit our website.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Two companies fined $160,000 after worker's arm trapped in machine

Two companies pleaded guilty to failing to provide a safe workplace after a worker's arm became trapped in a conveyor at a factory.

The incident

An employee, who was sent to monitor the conveyor, was injured while using a shovel to clean a build up of fertiliser. The worker's arm and shoulder were pulled into the conveyor after his shovel was caught in the machine. He was trapped for several minutes, and suffered permanent injuries.

A WorkSafe investigation uncovered that workers frequently used shovels, hammers and crowbars to chip fertiliser off the conveyors, but this should have occurred during production breaks when the conveyors were switched off.

The consequences for the companies

One company was fined $70,000 as it did not have a clear idea of the work its employees were doing at the factory and did not ensure that the company that ran the factory provided adequate training. The other company was fined $90,000 as it failed to adequately train and oversee its workers, and operated a 'buddy system' where the 'buddies' were not providing safe and correct information.

Safety-TV e-learning courses

Leadership Being Proactive in Safety - E-Learning
Safety Awareness - E-Learning

Vocam Health and Safety training videos

Risk Assessment for Industry
Safety Awareness
Leadership: Being Proactive in Safety

Available as part of TrainNOW.
For more information, contact us or visit our website.

Source: Safe To Work

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Classification and Labelling of Workplace Chemicals

Safe Work Australia is hosting a series of training & information sessions to increase understanding of the hazard classification, safety data sheet & labelling requirements for workplace chemicals in the model Work Health and Safety regulations, which incorporates the Globally Harmonized System of Classification & Labelling of Chemicals.

For more information, including locations, dates and times, visit Safe Work Australia's GHS Training page.

Hazardous Chemicals - GHS Classification and Communication

“Hazardous Chemicals – GHS Classification & Communication” is a training resource that provides an in-depth review of the hazard communication standards that play a vital role in minimising the risk of harm from chemicals at work. It is consistent with the GHS and the Australian Work Health and Safety Regulations and Codes of Practice.

Topics covered:
• Hazard Classification
• Hazard Communication
• GHS Pictograms
• Labels
• Safety data sheets

For more information, or to preview this training resource, click: Hazardous Chemicals - GHS Classification and Communication

Available as part of TrainNOW
Source: Safe Work Australia

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Social media can make people more productive and flexible workers

A recent study by Warwick Business School found that social media is helping people become more productive and flexible workers.

The study found that employees with unfettered access to social media were able to collaborate with colleagues to accomplish tasks more efficiently. Social media tools like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Skype and Google+ also allowed workers to answer more customer queries, and more quickly.

Aside from these productivity gains, social media also helps ensure companies are digitally savvy enough to attract younger employees. This research suggests that rather than seeing social media as something negative that distracts workers, employers can benefit from embracing it as part of the changing workplace environment.

Safety-TV e-learning courses

Social Media, Email and Online Etiquette - E-Learning

Vocam Health and Safety training videos

Social Media, Email and Online Etiquette

Available as part of TrainNOW.
For more information, contact us or visit our website.

Source: Bloomberg Business Week

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

International Workers' Memorial Day

April 28 was Workers’ Memorial Day, an international day of remembrance for workers who have lost their lives in workplace accidents.

On average, 300 Australians die at work each year. So far in 2013, 46 people have died on the job, according to Safe Work Australia.

A national memorial has been unveiled in Canberra, with eight stone poles representing the states and territories, and concrete ripples to symbolise the ripple effect a workplace death has on family, friends and colleagues.

"The National Workers Memorial is a place of reflection and acts as a reminder of the importance of staying safe at work," Workplace Relations Minister Bill Shorten said.

Safety-TV e-learning courses

Leadership: Being Proactive in Safety - E-Learning
Safety Awareness - E-Learning

Vocam Health and Safety training videos

Leadership: Being Proactive in Safety
Safety Awareness

Available as part of TrainNOW.
For more information, contact us or visit our website.

Source: The Canberra Times

Friday, April 12, 2013

Crane overturns in workplace accident

In a recent workplace accident, a poorly maintained crane overturned during a lifting operation, causing serious damage to a car.

The incident

The incident occurred when the crane was being used to lift a yacht and the controls locked up during the de-rigging phase. Though the driver successfully freed the controls, the 35-tonne crane overbalanced and fell because the jib was still extended.

An investigation discovered that the crane was overdue for its annual examination and testing, and the controls were prone to locking up. The company also failed to provide a suitable lifting plan, which is an essential safety requirement.

The company pled guilty and was ordered to pay a total of £8,000 in fines and costs.

Vocam Health and Safety Training Videos

Leadership: Being Proactive in Safety
Safety Awareness

Workplace Safety E-learning Courses

Leadership: Being Proactive in Safety - E-Learning
Safety Awareness - E-Learning

Available as part of TrainNOW.
For more information, contact us or visit our website.

Source: Isle of Wight Radio

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

New findings on workplace health and productivity

70% of workers do not engage in enough physical activity, according to findings from Victoria’s WorkHealth checks. This is concerning for businesses, because poor employee health and wellbeing can lead to a significant drop in worker productivity.

New research by VicHealth also shows that prolonged sitting at work is just as bad for worker’s health as not doing enough exercise. While office workers are typically thought of as having the most sedentary jobs, many blue collar workers also sit for up to 12 hours a day, such as transport and machinery workers.

Warren Faneco, Exercise Physiologist at Ballarat Community Health, gives the following tips to workers in sedentary jobs:
• Regular movement is key, no matter what job you have.
• Whenever you have the chance, stand up, even if just for a moment.
• Try to walk, move around or stretch during your break.
• Even while sitting at work, try to keep moving, for example by moving your ankles in circles.
• Try to do at least 30 minutes of exercise on as many days as possible.
• Use every opportunity for incidental activity, for example, take the stairs instead of the lift.

Worker health can also have a huge influence on business performance and the overall economy. Medibank estimates that in 2009-2010, presenteeism cost the Australian economy $34.1 billion. Presenteeism is lost productivity from workers who are performing at sub optimal levels because of poor health and illness.

Safety-TV e-learning courses

Ergonomic Essentials for the Office - E-Learning
Health and Hygiene Essentials for Industry - E-Learning
Health and Hygiene Essentials for the Office – E-Learning

Vocam Health and Safety training videos

Health and Hygiene Essentials for Industry
Health and Hygiene Essentials for the Office
Ergonomic Essentials for the Office

Available as part of TrainNOW.
For more information, contact us or visit our website.

Sources: Vecci, WorkSafe Victoria and Medibank