Monday, January 7, 2013

192 Australian workplace deaths in 2012

As at December 31, 192 Australian workers were killed at work in 2012 according to the latest data gathered by Safe Work Australia. During the same period in 2011, 166 deaths had occurred.

Safe Work Australia records cases of work fatality and injury, updates statistics and prepares several reports. The data is an initial estimate for the number of people killed and is based on initial media reports.

Worker deaths by industry of workplace as of December 2012:
Transport, postal & warehousing 66
Agriculture, forestry & fishing 45
Construction 21
Manufacturing 14
Administrative & support services 7
Public administration & safety 6
Arts & recreation services 5
Mining 5
Electricity, gas, water & waste services 4
Wholesale trade 2
Retail trade 2
Education & training 3
Other services 2
Financial & insurance services 1
Health care & social assistance 2
Professional, scientific & technical services 1
Accommodation & food services 1
Government administration & defence 1
Industry unknown 4
Total worker deaths 192

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Source: Safety Culture.

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