Friday, May 17, 2013

Two companies fined $160,000 after worker's arm trapped in machine

Two companies pleaded guilty to failing to provide a safe workplace after a worker's arm became trapped in a conveyor at a factory.

The incident

An employee, who was sent to monitor the conveyor, was injured while using a shovel to clean a build up of fertiliser. The worker's arm and shoulder were pulled into the conveyor after his shovel was caught in the machine. He was trapped for several minutes, and suffered permanent injuries.

A WorkSafe investigation uncovered that workers frequently used shovels, hammers and crowbars to chip fertiliser off the conveyors, but this should have occurred during production breaks when the conveyors were switched off.

The consequences for the companies

One company was fined $70,000 as it did not have a clear idea of the work its employees were doing at the factory and did not ensure that the company that ran the factory provided adequate training. The other company was fined $90,000 as it failed to adequately train and oversee its workers, and operated a 'buddy system' where the 'buddies' were not providing safe and correct information.

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Source: Safe To Work

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